Daily Grind vs. Events

The Social Media world has a lot of daily grind to it: monitoring accounts for activity and feedback, posting general and community building information, welcoming new Likes on Facebook, new Followers on Twitter, and just general housekeeping and account management.

Then there are events. Events may be little like announcing that it is Positive Thinking Day or welcoming fans to the weekend. They may be somber like commemorating September 11th or Memorial Day. Both St. Johns County and Flagler County celebrate First Fridays and St. Johns also has an Uptown Saturday night. There are concerts, surf events, and fundraisers. In St. Augustine they might include the Ponce Landing, El Galeon’s arrival, or this weekend’s Mumford & Sons concert.

Mumford & Sons has been particularly fun! The entire town is covered with mustaches celebrating the stopover and there were weeks of preparation. Preparation for the event from a social media perspective included researching and establishing the best hashtag #GOTRStAug and then getting that info out to the public via client Augustine.com’s social media channels. It involved getting tickets, planning who would tweet from where and how the build up would be handled. It required one person to sit back and retweet any information that would be valuable for our followers that came from other channels. I proved invaluable here because a totally untimely flu kept me at home and otherwise useless.

But on the broader Social Media front there are questions every CRM must ponder when an event comes up. “How does the event play out from my client’s perspective?” Does it get featured? Does it get heavy play? Does it get ignored? One size NEVER fits all in Social Media. What works for an attorney does not work for a hotel.  And even within a particular industry there are different philosophies and approaches. It all depends on your client’s marketing plan and how they see your role within that framework.

So for now I will wish you a happy Friday, a great Positive Thinking Day, a fun Mumford & Sons Kickoff or just another great day on this amazing planet!

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